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Preservation as Provocation

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Project Proposal for ACSA's PRESERVATION as PROVOCATION Architecture Competition

4th Year Studio 402 Final Project 

Project Location: Shutte's Folly, Charleston, SC - USA 



GLOBULE 2.0 (01) Below text 


Shuttes’ Folly, as it is known today, was orginaly veiwed by George washington as a strategic location for a stage of war.  It was later realized that the position was not efficient for defense, but  still today it is a strategic location for social implications, being l

ocated in the center of the bay with veiw points from all of Charleston’s major districts.


Geographically, the site is only accesible by boat, and therefore engenders appropriate logistics. Marinas accomadate the numerous boat owners in the Charleston area, making the site a more welcoming landing place.  A shuttle , in contingency with the fort Sumter ferry line, will stop and deport passengers on the island in an effective manner.  In an effort to show the good of humanity it is treated as a public park, and will be maintained by the people for the people. This will create a social environment that the community of Charleston can take pride in. 


Charleston is made up of an intermingling of  socilal and natural circulatory systems , waterways such as Ashley and Cooper rivers provide ease of boat acces to much of the city and  converge at the tip creating Charleston Harbor.  The project will take advantage of these natural systems in addition to others.


Oysters act as filters in the natural environment. By implementing oyster habitat, the project strives to mimic nature’s ability to cope with its settings.  

Shutes Folly will provide all of the necessary facilities to completely sustain itself both economically and socially. It is not intended for profit and therefor will require Charlestonians to embrace the project and assess their involvment in the Island’s upkeep.  Although some built environments pertains to making a profit such as the warehouse (09.), the boardwalk and the docks (10.) or Castle Pinkney (01.),  those profits will be intended for the upkeep of the site. Castle Pinkney is flanked by a grass lawn (02.) providing gathering and camping in case of events. Adjoined to the lawn the user will encounter a gallery space (05.) as welll as a youth park (04.) facing a land art field (07.). At the end of the main boardwalk, passers-by will be provided with an aquatic center (08.) facing the water wheels and a sculptural watchtower (11.). At the northern tip of the park, a more tranquile environment is created by series of grass step-ups with public bathrooms and showers (06.) available  to all in the event of an extended stay. It can also be programed as an assembly space. Festivals welcome.


WeARHOUSE (02) Below text 


The complex is conceived to be as adaptable as possible and does not pertain solely to single programs but a variety of cultural events such as music festivals, Art exhibits, and a market on Sunday mornings. Pragmatic outcomes will allow access to the warehouse in case of natural or man-made disasters to be used as a place of refuge as well as distribution.    

On a normal basis, the warehouse serves as a welcoming gate to the rest of the park. It’s scale is intended to humble but also comfort the soul. A cafe will socially and economically activate the space at all times.  

Historically, Charleston has been a hub for nautical commerce as well as cultural endeavors. The project seeks to bring together these two ideas as a social experiment.  

When the city was founded, people organized themselves around common squares and each household provided their own supply of crops. This project has taken these basic ideas and renewed their relevance in today’s wasteful society.

The roof of the warehouse will be activated by a Basketball court and     agricultural plots. Those plots are made available to citizens who lack the financial means for healthy diet. These essential to life are situated at the highest point of the site to underline there importance.  

The access to the roof will be permanently opened to citizens involved in urban farming. At times when the warehouse will be closed, an exterior staircase as well as an access to the lift will create a permanent  convenience for the users.       

In case of sea level rise, the warehouse is raised ten feet above high tide  elevation.

Organized events such as Art shows or electronic music concerts, congregational events or any intent requiring a large open space will be facilitated on a rental basis offering approximately 40800 square feet and can be divide upon request.      

Natural  ventilation enhanced by a wind corridor will reduce the necessity to condition the space. In case of strong winds, the southern facade can regulate air flow inside of the building.  In the winter time, geothermal strategies will heat the slab.



The board explains how the United State's dependency on fossil fuels has reached its climax in the western world. It is a necessity to understand the critical consequences that this reliance inflicts upon the future generations. In an effort to relieve our offspring’s burden of having to fix problems caused by today’s never ending “need” to progress, the project encourages the user to take notice of a more sustainable way of life. The island will be self-sustainable, using only available natural resources such as wind, sun and water. Wind turbines will be placed exposed to strong Atlantic winds to maximize their efficiency. The project also includes hydro-electric turbines facing Charleston’s peninsula to take advantage of the fluvial current. Additionally, solar panels will be  incorporated to the roof of the warehouse to maximize the efficiency of the building.   In addition to the Gabion walls providing structure the boardwalk, they will also serve as an oyster habitat. Oysters will filter and clean the water contained in the newly created bay. This process will encourage land reclamation as well as natural habitat growth.          

This project wishes to address a sustainable way of living, alternating the current attitude of our contemporary materialistic society.  Small scale agriculture on the warehouse roof will make visitors and users aware of their actual dietary needs. This project is intended for Charleston’s citizen’s long term well-being instead of a short term satisfaction. 

THEATRUM MUNDI (04) Below text 


The essential ideal of the building  is reinterpreting the interior space of Castle Pinkney as an exterior amphitheater. The will to celebrate staged arts as well as creating a destination for citizens, to participate in political events.  In past configurations of Castle Pinckney, the interior face of the brick walls were supported by earth infill. The idea was to recall it’s History and also adding structure the already deteriorating wall. The main structure is comprised of gabion retaining wall, offset two feet from the brick. The void is then filled with compacted dirt. A processional ramp, engages the public to reflect upon the past and look forward to the future. Once inside, and seated, the user’s viewpoint shifts 180 degrees to admire the world stage and meditate upon its placement in the larger scheme. Two main viewports on the northern and southern tips will orient the user towards Charleston and the site, and looking down at the harbor for events such as regattas.

The underside of the theatre seating is carved out to create a gallery, a necessary space for restrooms. The plumbing system will take advantage of the water run-off from the grass terraces above. A portion of that water will then be filtered and rendered potable, the rest pertains to flush the toilets. The resulting black water will be treated and  the remains used as fertilizer for the agricultural plots.

Theatrum Mundi is a Baroque notion which inspired many authors from France, Italy and Spain during the golden age that began at the end of the sixteenth century, in the Iberian penninsula. Beings play a role, consciously or despite themselves, on the biggest stage in the world and are puppets whose strings are pulled by the great watchmaker. 

In Ancient Greece, Epictetus introduces the concept of a role for man in the world, a role that man should not override and that is for himas a duty to the gods (it also finds the metaphor of thatrical masks). We find the Baroque allegory into  tragi-comical play of the seventeenth century, particularly in "Le Veritable Saint Genest" by Jean Rotrou.

Image source for inspiration - geo charleston - historical details: google image search - ACSA Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

Video: (above) Aerial view of Historic Charleston, SC - USA, (below) Aerial view of Castle Pinckney on Shutte's Folly in Charleston Bay , SC - USA





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